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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Luminiferous Aether

I did a slower version of the Michelson-Morley experiment today. Instead of using light beams, I did it with me, running. I had been doing two miles at lunch, and the first mile (just a warm up) usually came in around 7 min 45 sec, and the second mile usually came in around 7 min 15 sec, even though I was working a LOT harder on the second one. It just didn't seem right.

So today I ran my route backwards.
The first mile came in at 9:02 and the second mile came in at 5:59. Aha! So the aether does exist. Or rather, the real problem, is that didn't correctly identify the location of my office. It was slightly off, and so the halfway point was slightly off.

Clearly the truth is somewhere in between, like around 6:30. That's good. I'm happy with that right now. It was just a big psychological blow coming in at over 7 min every time, and now that's defeated and I think I can start making some more progress.

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