Blog Archive

Friday, August 22, 2008


A Sand Hill Crane, near the new bike path and the train tracks.
My fish!
Prize winning veggies at the Wisconsin State Fair
A fuzzy, prize winning bunny.
I learned a lot about chickens.
Really, a LOT.
Hilary already knew about chickens.
This is the back of a goat.
Someone at the Dane Country Airport likes me.
The frat house next door burned down.
We thought our house was going to burn down too.
It was scary.
The ducks lived in the back, I hope their house was okay.
This is in the UW Arboretum, back when it was winter, which will sadly soon be the case again.
I peeled an orange into just one swirly piece. How cool is that?
Winter was pretty, wasn't it?
This is when I won the Mayor Daley Speed Skating Classic.

1 comment:

coolbritanja said...

So many comments
1) those fish look like they're flying
2) the fuzzy bunny is SUPER cute!
3) where's a picture of the GIANT chicken?
4) awesome license plate!
5) awesome orange peel