Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Cabin

Last weekend Hilary, Meag, Mira, Jesus and I rented a cabin up at Devil's lake. It was dirt cheap, and really awesome! Mira was sad because it was her birthday, and nobody called her or texted her, except for me, but apparently I don't count because I was there.

The cabin came fully stocked with dishes, cookware, sheets and pillows. There was a stove, but we made a fire in the ring of fire outside and cooked over that.

Mosquitos are everywhere in Wisconsin right now, and it's very annoying. They like me, because I taste good. I'd better drink some tonic water to keep the malaria away.

Skating has started again! I'm excited, but also, really weak. We've been doing dry-land for a few months, but nothing is like skating except skating. This whole not skating during the summer thing doesn't make sense to me. Next summer I'm going to see to it that the club actually has summer ice, and that we have pads and can skate for real.

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